Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A strange game I recently won

Here's a game I played on FICS last night. This was a tournament game and my opponent was a lot stronger than me. Although I was winning this comfortably in the middle game, my advantage and attack suddenly disappeared and I couldn't figure out what went wrong. Here is Fritz's analysis of the game. I played white and the image is after 32. ..... Re7 (white to move)

[Event "rated standard match"][Site "Free Internet Chess Server"][Date "2007.07.24"][Round "?"][White "Gambit"][Black "PankracyRozumek"][Result "1-0"][ECO "B56"][WhiteElo "1541"][BlackElo "1738"][Annotator "Fritz 10 (15s)"][PlyCount "166"][EventDate "2007.??.??"]
{B56: Classical Sicilian: Unusual Lines} 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bb5 Bd7 7. O-O {last book move} g6 8. Bg5 {White has a very active position} Bg7 9. h3 {Controls g4} (9. Nf3 $11) 9...Nxe4 (9... O-O $142 $5 $11 {should be investigated more closely}) 10. Nxe4 $16Nxd4 11. Bxd7+ (11. Nxd6+ $142 $5 Kf8 12. Nxb7 $16) 11... Qxd7 $11 12. Re1 (12.Nf6+ $1 {is an interesting idea} exf6 13. Qxd4 fxg5 14. Qxg7 $11) 12... O-O (12... Ne6 13. Bc1 $17) 13. c3 (13. Bf6 Ne6 14. Bxg7 Kxg7 $15) 13... Nc6 14. Qb3b6 15. Rad1 Rac8 16. a3 Na5 17. Qa2 b5 (17... Rfe8 18. Be3 $17) 18. Ng3 (18.Bxe7 Qxe7 19. Nxd6 Qc7 20. Nxc8 Rxc8 $15) 18... e6 (18... Rfe8 19. a4 Nc4 20.axb5 $17) 19. Ne4 $15 d5 20. Nf6+ Bxf6 21. Bxf6 Qc6 (21... Qd6 $5 $17) 22. Qb1$11 Nb3 23. Qd3 Nc5 24. Qd4 Nd7 (24... Qb7 $11) 25. Bg5 (25. Bg7 $142 $5 {would allow White to play on} Rfe8 26. Bh8 $14 Kf8) 25... f6 $17 {Black threatens to win material: f6xg5} 26. Bh6 {White threatens to win material: Bh6xf8} Rf7 27. Qg4 Ne5 {Black threatens to win material: Ne5xg4} 28. Qg3 (28. Qe2 Re8 $17) 28... Rd8 (28... Nc4 29. b3 Nxa3 30. Qg4 $17) 29. h4 $15 Rc8 (29... Nc4 $5 30. b3 Nxa3 $11) 30. h5 $11 Qe8 (30... a5 $142 $5 $11 {might be a viable alternative}) 31. f4{White threatens to win material: f4xe5} Nc6 (31... Nc4 $142 $5 32. hxg6 Rfc733. gxh7+ Kh8 $16) 32. hxg6 $18 Re7 $4 {terrible, but what else could Black do to save the game?}

(32... Rfc7 $142 33.Qh4 hxg6 34. Qxf6 Qf7 35. Qxe6 Rd7 $18) 33. gxh7+ Kxh7 34. Kf2 (34. Qh4 $142 {and White can celebrate victory} Qg6 35. Bf8+ Kg8 36. Bxe7 Nxe7 37. Rxe6 $18)34... Qg6 $11 {Black threatens to win material: Qg6xh6} 35. Rh1 (35. Qxg6+ $5 {should not be overlooked} Kxg6 36. Rd3 $11) 35... Qxg3+ $17 36. Kxg3 Kg6 37.f5+ Kxf5 38. Rdf1+ Kg6 39. Bd2 f5 (39... Rg8 $142 $19) 40. Rh6+ $11 Kf7 41. Bg5{White threatens to win material: Bg5xe7} Ree8 42. Rfh1 (42. Kf4 $5 Na5 43.Rh7+ Kg6 44. Rh6+ Kf7 45. Rh7+ Kg6 46. Rh6+ Kf7 $11) 42... Rg8 $15 {Black pins: Rg8xg5} 43. Rh7+ $2 (43. Kf4 $142 $5 {would keep White in the game}Na5 44. Rf6+ Ke7 45. Rxf5+ Ke8 46. Re5 Rc4+ 47. Kf3 $15) 43... Rg7 $19 44.Rxg7+ Kxg7 45. Rh6 Re8 46. Kf4 Nd8 47. Rh3 Nf7 48. Bh4 (48. Rg3 Nxg5 49. Rxg5+Kf6 $19) 48... Nd6 49. Rg3+ Kf7 50. b3 (50. Re3 $19) 50... e5+ 51. Kf3 Ne4 52.Rh3 Nxc3 (52... Rc8 $142 {makes it even easier for Black} 53. Ke2 Nxc3+ 54. Kf1$19) 53. Be1 Ne4 54. Rh7+ Ke6 55. Rxa7 Rd8 56. Rb7 d4 57. Rb6+ (57. Rxb5 d3 58.Rb6+ Kf7 $19) 57... Rd6 58. Rxb5 Ng5+ (58... d3 $5 {and Black can already relax} 59. Ke3 d2 60. Bxd2 Nxd2 61. g3 $19) 59. Ke2 e4 (59... d3+ $142 $5 60. Kd1Ne4 $19) 60. Bg3 (60. g4 Nf3 61. gxf5+ Kf6 $17) 60... Rc6 (60... Rd5 61. Rb6+Kf7 $19) 61. Re5+ $2 (61. Bf4 $142 $5 Rc2+ 62. Kf1 $17) 61... Kf6 $19 62. b4 $4{a blunder in a bad position} (62. Rd5 $142 d3+ 63. Ke1 Rc1+ 64. Kf2 Rc2+ 65.Kf1 $19) 62... Rc2+ 63. Kf1 d3 (63... Rc1+ $142 {seems even better} 64. Ke2 d3+65. Ke3 $19) 64. Rc5 $2 (64. Rd5 Ne6 65. Be5+ Kg5 66. g3 $19) 64... Ne6 65.Be5+ Ke7 66. Rxc2 dxc2 67. Bb2 e3 (67... Nf4 $142 {nails it down} 68. a4 Nd3$19) 68. Ke2 $17 Nd4+ (68... f4 $142 $5 $17) 69. Kxe3 $11 Ne6 $4 (69... Nb3$142 $11 {and Black has air to breath}) 70. Kd2 Nf4 (70... Kd6 71. Kxc2 Kd5 72.Kb3 $18) 71. g3 Nh5 (71... c1=B+ 72. Bxc1 Nh5 73. a4 Nxg3 74. a5 $18) 72. Be5Ke6 73. Bf4 Nf6 (73... Kd5 74. b5 c1=Q+ 75. Kxc1 Kc5 $18) 74. Kxc2 Kd7 75. Kd3Kc6 76. Kd4 Nd7 (76... Kb5 {hardly improves anything} 77. Ke5 Ne4 78. Kxf5Nxg3+ 79. Bxg3 $18) 77. a4 Nb6 (77... Kb6 $18 {is the last straw}) 78. b5+ Kb779. a5 Nc8 (79... Nd7 $18 {desperation}) 80. Kc5 Ka7 81. Kc6 (81. a6 Ka8 82.Be3 Kb8 $18) 81... Ne7+ (81... Ka8 82. a6 Na7+ 83. Kb6 Nc8+ 84. Kc7 Nb6 $18)82. Kd6 Nc8+ 83. Kc7 Nb6 (83... Ne7 {does not help much} 84. Be3+ Ka8 85. Bc5Nd5+ 86. Kc8 Ne7+ 87. Bxe7 f4 88. b6 fxg3 89. Bc5 g2 90. b7#) 1-0

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